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Field emission properties of a conventional BCS superconductors.

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Field emission properties of a conventional BCS superconductors.

In the framework of the tunneling Hamiltonian, the expressions for the basic field emission characteristics of BCS superconductors in non-equilibrium condition. The analysis of the formation of the autoemission spectrum in various States of the superconductor is carried out and it is shown that in the nonequilibrium state of the superconducting emitter in the emission spectrum a band with a width equal to twice the size of the superconducting slit should be observed.

On the basis of the obtained expressions, it is shown that the density of the autoemission current at low autoemission currents, when nonequilibrium effects can be neglected, is greater in the superconducting state than in the normal one in the entire temperature range up to the critical one. The calculation of this value for the niobium emitter is shown in Fig. 1.

An expression for the emission source of nonequilibrium was obtained, which allowed to develop kinetic models for the study of nonequilibrium phenomena associated with autoelectronic emission from BCS of superconductors. Based on the numerical analysis of the kinetics of quasiparticles in the diffusion model and the model with a phonon thermostat, the relationship of emission and superconducting parameters is studied and it is shown that the pumping of excess quasiparticles leads to the suppression of a superconducting slit near the emission surface at high densities of the autoemission current (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. The dependence of the relative difference of the autoemission current on the temperature in the superconducting and normal states of the niobium emitter at a constant external electric field. Calculation parameters: T = 7°K, Tc = 9.2°K, D0 = 1.5 MeV, 1/d = 18.4 eV-1.
Fig. 2. The dependence of the superconducting slit value on the relative pump power value b for a conical emitter with a radius calculated in the framework of the model with a "phonon thermostat".
Cone angle: (1) Q=5°; (2) Q=15°; (3) Q=30°; (4) Q=60°.

Preprints: I.V. Uimanov. The "current" field emission technique for investigating the gap for BCS-like superconductors

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