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Ectonic theory of vacuum discharge.

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Ectonic theory of vacuum discharge.

The problem of correct description of physical phenomena in a vacuum discharge, lying at the junction of plasma physics, solid state physics and emission electronics, is not only of scientific interest, but also has an important practical importance, due to the wide technological use of vacuum discharge. The lack of clear ideas about the physics of processes in the electric discharge is often the reason that the search for optimal engineering solutions is carried out haphazardly and is accompanied by significant costs of time and money.

There is no convincing theoretical description of the arc discharge that would explain all the experimental results. In the proposed theory for the first time the description of all three stages of discharge in vacuum (breakdown, spark and arc) are given from a single physical position. It is shown how these stages naturally pass into one another, ending with a vacuum arc. These positions are based on the recognition of the fundamental role of microexplosions of cathode sections that lead to explosive electron emission (EEE). Since the explosive process lasts relatively short, the emission of electrons during the EEE is in separate portions, which we called ectons (from the first letters of the words Explosive Centre). The appearance of each Ecton is accompanied by the destruction of the cathode surface area, which then turns into a crater, the appearance of liquid metal in the form of jets and drops, plasma jets, etc. (see Fig. 1) One of the main causes of micro explosions is the Joule heating of the micro-sections of the cathode by a high-density current. All these processes form the basis of the concept of vacuum discharge. Within this mechanism, all three stages of the vacuum discharge find their natural physical explanation. Breakdown and processes that are called biased are the process of concentrating energy in the micro volume of the cathode surface. As soon as the specific energy accumulated in this micro volume exceeds a certain limit value, the explosion begins and the breakdown stage is completed. The beginning of the explosion and the appearance of EEE is the beginning of a spark stage. The spark stage itself is accompanied by a constant resumption of micro explosions, which are initiated by plasma and jets of liquid metal from previous micro explosions. The spark stage naturally passes into the arc after the cathode and anode plasma are bridged and the current growth rate decreases.

Fig. 1. Trace of the vacuum arc on the cathode when the cathode spot moves in an external magnetic field.

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