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Model of high-current vacuum interrupter.

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Model of high-current vacuum interrupter.

The main object of the study is a high-current vacuum arc (current above kiloampere) in a strong external magnetic field. This type of arc is used in vacuum arc current interrupters. Such interrupters are widely used in the current range of 12-80 kA. The model constructed in the laboratory using MHD approach allows to calculate the plasma parameters in the interelectrode interval and the heat flux to the anode. The value of the heat flow to the anode is the main characteristic for assessing the ability of the breaker to reliably turn off the current of the desired value.

Below is a picture that compares the appearance of the arc (in the Cu-II line) (left) with the calculation (right). Discharge parameters: the diameters of the electrodes is 6 cm, span of 1 cm, discharge current of 15 kA, the external magnetic field in the center 5 mT/kA. We can see a good agreement of calculation and experiment if we take into account the limited sensitivity of video equipment and, as a consequence, a sharper nature of the change in luminosity in peripheral areas.

Preprints: E. Schade, D. Shmelev. Computer experiments concerning high current vacuum arcs with external axial magnetic field.
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